dev:~#> whoami
Agustin Rivera

dev:~#> agustin --help
Usage: Software Developer, Linux Expert, Network Administrator, Machine Learning
About: 20 years experience in the design, deployment, management, and maintenance of Windows and Linux services + 7 years of total experience in software development.
Expert in administrating services such as:
Linux: DNS (Bindery & DNSMasq), DHCP, VPN, Samba, OpenSSH, FTP, NGINX (+reverse proxy/load balancer), Apache Solr, Apache Web Server, Postfix (SMTP/POP/IMAP), Squid Proxy, IPTables, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Wordpress, Docker Containers, VMWare.
Windows: Domains, Active Directory, DNS, VPN, DHCP, IIS, WSUS, FTP, RAS, Radius, DFS, Group Policy, SQL Server, Hyper-V.
dev:~#> apt list --installed | grep skills-expert | awk '{print $1}' | highlight-favorites
, Perl, Bash,
dev:~#> apt list --installed | grep skills-highly-proficient | awk '{print $1}' | highlight-favorites
, C++,
, PHP, Typescript, Dart
dev:~#> ps -ef | grep projects
dev:~#> cat accomplishments | grep grants-won
Computer Vision,
Grapes & Wine
dev:~#> cat accomplishments | grep hackathons-won
HackFresno 2018
dev:~#> locate research-published
Journal: Expert Systems With Applications
Title: Grape detection with Convolutional Neural Networks
Corresponding Author: Hubert Cecotti
Co-Authors: Agustin Rivera; Majid Farhadloo; Miguel Pedroza Villarreal, Ph.D.
Hi, My Name is
Agustin Rivera
About Me
Software Developer, Linux Expert, Network Administrator, Machine Learning
20 years experience in the design, deployment, management, and maintenance of Windows and Linux services + 7
years of total experience in software development.
Expert in administrating services such as:
Linux: DNS (Bindery & DNSMasq), DHCP, VPN, Samba, OpenSSH, FTP, NGINX (+reverse proxy/load balancer), Apache
Solr, Apache Web Server, Postfix (SMTP/POP/IMAP), Squid Proxy, IPTables, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Wordpress, Docker
Containers, VMWare.
Windows: Domains, Active Directory, DNS, VPN, DHCP, IIS, WSUS, FTP, RAS, Radius, DFS, Group Policy, SQL Server,
, Perl, Bash,
Highly Proficient
, C++,
, PHP, Typescript, Dart